Hey Everyone! Its been a very wild summer and I'd love to thank all of you for it! It was amazing coming back to newgrounds and making new friends!
Here are the projects Im working on at the moment!
REANIMATES!: I am lucky to be apart of two wonderful animation Collab's on Newgrounds, as well as one for my school! Im in the Pogo Reantiquated as well as the Casino Calamity Collab hosted by @RecD and @TheWax. For the School one I participated in a Phineas and Ferb Reanimate that I will be posting the animation loop for since it was a short segment~
THESIS FILM PREPRODUCTION: I have a script! I will be posting the storyboard once I have the music and voice acting done so expect that well before december!
RAILWAY TO HEAVEN: Still a work in progress film from last semester! I have been putting this in the background in order to focus on my thesis and building my portfolio with more pipeline art.
SUPER SECRET COMIC!!!: I'm partnering with @hekdiggity to create a thrilling fantasy style adventure comic! We are well underway with organizing and adding members to our team in order to make this a well written and exciting adventure! I'll be posting any design notes as I create them.