My Name's Cat! I'm an artist and film maker. Stick around for some funny stuff

Catherine @Linethickness

Age 24

Animator Illustrator

Joined on 4/20/21

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Linethickness's News

Posted by Linethickness - 9 days ago


After a year of getting my life back together and overall losing the artistic momentum I had, i can safely say Im back and getting better than ever! I've mainly doing warmups to get back into animating consistently and also taking some dnd art commissions, so thats why the last few posts seem irrelevant.

The recent sketches and lil gif animations have gotten people asking "why is this all small nothing stuff? where is the old linethickness who did collabs n stuff?" I DIDNT EVEN KNOW THAT WAS A THING!! I JUST DID IT BC I HAD TIME AND LOVE ART! do not perceive me!!!

Now that Im back im working on animations and my comic project stowaway! which has been in the "idea stage" for like 4 years, but now is 12 pages down, several to go! I believe chapter 1 will be out once i have a bakclog of pages.. so assume november at the latest! (if anyone has any recs for sites to put it on aside from newgrounds let me know)

Otherwise im tryna get back into the collab scene! starting with the CN collab (tappy forgive me for my transgressions inshallah). You'll see a lot more art from me because Im going back in for a masters program for visual narrative, which is gonna really put my nose to the grindstone and churn out more delicious art!

Hope you guys stick around, and thank you for sticking around this long!



Posted by Linethickness - July 5th, 2022

Hey fellas my Film Decisive Action is currently in the festival circuit! Along side this, I'm RELEASING IT ON NEWGROUND JULY 9th! Meaning that while it may not be up on YouTube or "public" just yet, it will be screened cross country!! My film will be screened so far at Short Short Fest, The 2022 ASIFA showcase, and some others! totally check out ShortShort Fest!



Some other exciting stuff has been happening recently, I've been actually enjoying summer, and doing a "Model Sheet a Week" challenge to really beef up my skills for characters. This is all in preparation for an Upcoming Indie comic me and @hekdiggity are working on called STOW-AWAY! If you've checked out my account or have been following me for a while, you'll recognize Ronnie, Marie, and More info will be released during September and November! In the meantime enjoy some concept art/etc that I post here! Information on where it will be posted and if there's going to be a patreon is still up in the air, but the goal is to eventually sell it as a physical copy one day!

I also joined the ranks at Smilefactory!! So stay tuned for some fun and zany animations on their YouTube channel---

I'm also working on several fun collabs like a Dance Battle Collab between me and @tyro1301, and some other ones right off the tail of Fulpware. Keep an eye out for @RagTagg's Pogo Re-Antiquated collab!! Myself and a ton of other very talented artists are working on it

I also wanted to give a very heartfelt thank you for 500 fans! This milestone flew passed me a bit which is exciting, and I'm very thankful to the community for!! Check out the amazing work of fellow artists on Newgrounds and spread the love!!



Posted by Linethickness - April 20th, 2022

happy 4/20 everyone me and Pollyanoid have worked hard to memorialized on this day a great tweet by young thug, who has hence deleted the tweet.

An ode to "No homo we smokin penises" -young thug on this 4/20 its important to know our roots... and... FUCK IT JUST WATCH MY CARTOON OK WE CHALLENGED OURSELVES (a la dadshop) TO DO IT IN A DAY AND IT WORKED!

above you is the BEST CARTOON EVER CREATED (until the last soda comes out) me and kai ayekerik have ever made it is BETTER THAN HER MADNESS DAY CARTOON AND IS NOT GAY ok it is kind of gay he smokes his own penis



Posted by Linethickness - February 10th, 2022


I am proud to announce that project on my short film thesis Decisive Action, is going super well, and I'm animating and coloring ahead of schedule! The release here on Newgrounds will most likely premiere on April 28th. This project has a crew of 1 animator (me), 3 voice actors, and 1 musician, and 1 sound designer. Most of which are found right here on Newgrounds! We definitely had our work cut out for us, but as a team we've entered the final stretch! I've compiled the most amazing talent from my peers in SVA, on Newgrounds, and talented collogues from SAIC!

Below is a plot summary and progress shots


Two college students (Leere and Ila) are left alone by their roommate (Bertram) with an

ultimatum. If they destroy the apartment again, they are getting kicked to the curb! In order to

keep a low profile, Leere and Ila decide to order food. The only problem is that there's too many

options! They could order ANYTHING from an increasingly long list of food spots and become

overwhelmed with the choices. The two roommates bicker and waste the entire day. They

become so hungry Leere and Ila fight into the early hours of the morning. Will they clean up in time? or go full caveman and get launched into the streets by Bertram?

The voice talents of @sardinky (Bertram), @pktoasty (Leere) and @kernalkrispy (Ila) really bring these characters to life!

Here are some screenshots of the finished animation!



In order to make this film the best it can be and have it shown in as many festivals as possible, I have opened a Gofundme to help fund my film process, and as I work I will be matching all the proceeds in order to fund voice acting, materials, musicians, sound design and festival entry fees. Anything is appreciated, even a share helps. The Newgrounds community is extremely fun, welcoming, & goofy. I am very thankful to all my followers and friends here and I cant wait to share all my progress with you all!

I am introducing REWARD TIERS

Reward Tiers (rewards include subsequent tiers):

  • $20 your name in the special thanks
  • $40 Personalized headshot drawing of you in the film's Style as a monster of your choice! Will be composited and shown in the credits!



Posted by Linethickness - November 4th, 2021

It's time for action! DECISIVE ACTION!!!

My animated thesis protagonist Leere needs a voice! I am looking for male lead that's similar to Grizz (We Bare Bears) or Brady (Alpharad/Garanikor).

If you have a reel link it below, I'd love to check it out!


Two college students (Leere and Ila) are left alone by their roommate (Bertram) with an

ultimatum. If they destroy the apartment again, they are getting kicked to the curb! In order to

keep a low profile, Leere and Ila decide to order food. The only problem is that there's too many

options! They could order ANYTHING from an increasingly long list of food spots and become

overwhelmed with the choices. The two roommates bicker and waste the entire day. They

become so hungry Leere and Ila fight into the early hours of the morning. Will they clean up in time? or go full caveman and get launched into the streets by Bertram?




(right to left) Bertram, Leere, Ila


In order to make this film great and the best it can be, I am opening a Gofundme to help fund my film process, and as I work I will be matching all the proceeds in order to fund voice acting, materials, musicians, and festival entry fees. Anything is appreciated, even just a share helps. The Newgrounds community is extremely fun, welcoming, & goofy. I am very thankful to all my followers and friends here and I cant wait to share all my progress with you all!



Posted by Linethickness - October 11th, 2021

Hello! this update is a little different than the ones I've been uploaded here, but its interesting I promise

I made a swanky hook!

But not just any hook, Crocodile from One Piece's hook! Which to someone who does cosplay prop making as a hobby, can be daunting but overall it was way more fun than anticipated! But still a lot of trial and error. I had 3 attempts before reaching the final just two days before I was going to NYCC! It was crunch time! Here are the materials I used:

  • Styrofoam half circle x2 (micheals or other craft stores in the floral section)
  • EVA foam 4mm (preferably white since we are using light colored paint)
  • Gold acryllic paint (can be as cheap or as expensive as you want) see tip #3
  • Plastidip, flexseal, or gesso primer (can be as cheap or as expensive as you want) see tip #3
  • Weldwood contact cement (3floz container is more than enough)
  • hot glue gun (low heat one)
  • a BUTT TON of hot glue gun glue


If I am only counting the final attempt's materials, this all around cost 40$ for me to make, but I already had the glue materials (which are pricey for single use but a low cost investment overall).


  1. DO NOT USE SPRAY PAINT OR CONTACT CEMENT ON STYROFOAM! These actually MELT styrofoam and if you use it, youd have to start all over again. The weldwood should be only used on EVA foam in this project
  2. TEST YOUR PATTERN! For those new to making EVA props and costumes, you need to make a pattern. For this I made a model in Blender and used a papercraft plug in. however it took several attempts to get it right. Make a small paper model of your pattern to test it out!
  3. SAND THE LIVING SHIT OUT OF YOUR PAINT! The trick to getting even and metallic like coating on your paint is by sanding it using increasingly high grit sand paper in between coats. I started with two coats of primer (I used cheap chalky gesso) and sanded it with 800 grit, then applied a single coat, sanded, and repeated until smooth. Then I added 2 coats of my cheapo acryllic Artist Loft paint, sanded it, and single coated, and sanded, etc etc. I repeated this for two days. There is a proportional trade off between time and money spent. The less money spent, the more time into sanding, and vice versa.

Here is the finished piece


Its not perfect and can be made better, but its perfect for me! I am not a professional and this is a hobby of mine, but if you have any questions or tips for cosplay and costume prop making dm me! Halloween is fast approaching my beloveds



Posted by Linethickness - September 28th, 2021

Hey all my fresh-ass new followers! I wanted to send a shout out to everyone with a sincere thank you for following me and enjoying my content! I know to some clout chasers having 100 people watch you is measly, but I swear if 100 of you random strangers and friends hopped into a room and watched me hold up art and go bananas... I'd start crying! The fact that 100 of you and more enjoy what I draw in my off time for warmups or for work really warms my heart. So without beating around the bush or getting too sappy, I want to say thank you, from the bottom of my heart.



Posted by Linethickness - September 1st, 2021

Hey Everyone! Its been a very wild summer and I'd love to thank all of you for it! It was amazing coming back to newgrounds and making new friends!

Here are the projects Im working on at the moment!

REANIMATES!: I am lucky to be apart of two wonderful animation Collab's on Newgrounds, as well as one for my school! Im in the Pogo Reantiquated as well as the Casino Calamity Collab hosted by @RecD and @TheWax. For the School one I participated in a Phineas and Ferb Reanimate that I will be posting the animation loop for since it was a short segment~

THESIS FILM PREPRODUCTION: I have a script! I will be posting the storyboard once I have the music and voice acting done so expect that well before december!

RAILWAY TO HEAVEN: Still a work in progress film from last semester! I have been putting this in the background in order to focus on my thesis and building my portfolio with more pipeline art.

SUPER SECRET COMIC!!!: I'm partnering with @hekdiggity to create a thrilling fantasy style adventure comic! We are well underway with organizing and adding members to our team in order to make this a well written and exciting adventure! I'll be posting any design notes as I create them.



Posted by Linethickness - April 27th, 2021

School Ends this week, and I wanted to share some cool projects I'm working on thatll be showing up here soon

Railway to Heaven: An animated short film that uses a 2d and 3d blender combo! A slumped girl named Mori finishes her nightshift and makes her way home by train, but finds herself without a ticket on a ghost train! She dodges the strange and intense ghostly environment to make her way home! This is in the tail end of production so should be up within the month

THESIS FILM PREPRODUCTION: I am going into the nitty gritty of my thesis film character, background, and story creation. I cant wait to share the script with you and my progress on it! I'll also be creating a thesis film budget fund to hire Voice actors and potential colorists so when it goes live I will be posting that

SUPER SECRET COMIC!!!: I'm aiming to create a thrilling fantasy style adventure comic! preproduction and character finalizations are gonna happen this summer. So I will be posting the progress as it happens.

COSPLAY: I have two different costumes planned for the fall, GenderSwapped Crocodile from One Piece and Bulma from Dragon Ball! I'll be posting the design process for the different final products. I usually work with foam for props so blender will be a huge help for modeling the patters for it this time around!

HOOWEE thats a lotta fuckin meatballs. Its gonna be a busy summer but I cant wait!! hope youll stay tuned for whacky storyboard/animatics and progress, progress, PROGRESS!